
字源 Origin and meaning of character


The source of Bible verses & Strong’s system of the original word meanings from “The Bible Society in Taiwan” AND  "blueletterbible.com". 


恩雨之聲 SOBEM on YouTube http://sobemyoutube2.blogspot.com/ 


組級別 Group level 

其他中心 Mini Hub http://minihub.blogspot.com/ 

字母 The Look and sound of Alphabets http://thelookandsoundofalphabets.blogspot.com/ 

有助的網址 Helful Plus Useful URLs http://helfulplususefulurls.blogspot.com/ 


Use this link if you cannot view the links within group. 

綱要 This is my profile for you 


Please click chart for large chart.) 

= 史官所寫 scribe recorded 

"Buddha" 時期為"七十個七 70X7"張貼所包。 

"Buddha" period was covered within the "七十個七 70X7” post. 

看看 read also 但以理(七十個七)&耶穌 Daniel (Seventy weeks) & Jesus 

看看 read also 西周東周 West and East Zaor 

西周 The 841 BC http://the841bc.blogspot.com/ 

瞭解不同類的意思的 "Buddha" 

To understand the different kinds of the meaning of the "Buddha" 

看看 read also 佛祖 Zebudah (Buddha) 

匹配一 Construct Chinese 2 http://constructchinese2.blogspot.com/ 

看看 read also 仲國 Second nation of Abraham 

仲國 Second nation of Abraham http://secondnationofabraham.blogspot.com/ 

"China" 基礎於"仲國" 那亞伯拉罕和一些他的親戚是迦勒底人。  就此"chi-na"表示"迦勒底人的後人”, 不同於其他迦勒底人的姓氏(陳及更多), 當然其中也有些是亞伯拉罕及他的親戚的後人。

"China" was based on "Second nation of Abraham" that Abraham and some of his relatives were Chaldean.  It was then "chi-na" meant "children of Chaldean" that was different from others with Chaldean family names (Chen, Chan, and more) that certainly some are of Abraham and the relatives of Abraham. 


看看 read also 彼拉多寫了 Pilate wrote 

耶穌 Relating To Jesus http://relatingtojesus.blogspot.com/ 

Please click chart for large chart.) 


樣樣的實實的種種有真實、確實、事實、現實、證實、等等、等等 ... 

The fact of everything.  All kinds of the facts.  There are real, certain, true, conditional, proven, etc. ...

加上幽默的、幽默感的、幽默、幽默感 = 虛空的虛空。 

Add on with humor, with humorous, humor, humorous = vanity vanity 

永遠解決不了的問題是時間空間距離 (地點)

The forever cannot be solved are the time, the space, the distance of places. 


Science or technology are the contemporary terms.  They are not the terms that are certain or factual in the long run.


In the early 1970s, cartoon could use computer to create.


In 1990, the movies already could use computer to change the clothings of any character.  Is this about the problem of reality or fact?  


Originally "high rise" was a term of the 1960s.  By now, it was proven that a term has the time limit of use.


The above is about the daily life.  It is also about learning is for understanding.

Read this post

看看 "骨肉 Bone and flesh"

神的定義 The Flood And Science Earth http://thefloodandscienceearth.blogspot.com/ 


To understand the origin and the meaning of a character must exhaust all that mentioned above on top of the thinking with wisdom.  It also put "To learn without thinking is confusing, to think without learning is dangerous", "judge one not by one's words, but by one's actions", not to "judge by the appearances", do not assume "cannot carve on such a rotten wood" to work.

字源來自複雜系統的複合不可以用電腦隨意找到事實找不到的事實極多。 用條形碼是部份可以用在字源查根上也就是說大部份不可以用在字源查根上是「學而不思」。

The characters came from complicated system that resulted in the composite forms.  Cannot just use the computer to find out the facts behind them because there are tons of the cannot be found fact.  The use of the barcode can apply to the root look up of the characters.  To most of the characters that could not be done in such a way comes to the "to learn without thinking ..." at work.

Read these posts

看看 發音 Sound period 整體概念 The Works Base http://theworksbase.blogspot.com/

看看 輩份之分 By Generations http://bygenerations.blogspot.com/ 

看看 分析記事 Sort Facts http://sortfacts.blogspot.com/ 

霸凌是美國一個對立原意的現實字。 中文也有這樣的事實。

"Bully" is a word of the USA having the opposite meaning of what it meant in the beginning.  The Chinese also carry such as the facts.

